

Regular Club Meetings


General meetings are held once per month, on the first Tuesday of the month, from September to June. Meetings feature an interesting guest speaker, a very brief business session, interest group discussions, plus lots of time for socializing.

Click HERE for more.

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Meetings

Field Day 2010 (15)

Brampton-Caledon ARES meets every month on the 3rd Monday at Terry Miller Recreation Centre
1295 Williams Pkwy, Brampton, ON L6S 3J8. Our Club has a long history of Community Service! If you are interested in finding out how your hobby can benefit your community, this is for you! Everyone is welcome!

The ARES Planning Meeting occurs on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM, and the Simulated Emergency Tests (S.E.T) are conducted in the Spring and Fall each year

Click HERE for more.

Homebrew Group

Vintage radio parts

The PARC Home Brew Group Jitsi Meetings occur on the third Wednesday of each month.

We also have a Casual meeting scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month at 19:30-21:00.

Click HERE for more.

Friday Breakfast Meeting

Our Breakfast Net runs every Friday from 8 am to 9:00 am on VE3ADT 444.125+ (131.8 Hz) repeater, located in Milton.

After the net many of us meet at AJ’s Restaurant #1 Regan Dr. Brampton starting from about 9:15- 9:30.

Anyone with an interest in Ham Radio is welcome.